Message from Andrea R. Lim, MLST President
Thank you to all who attended our Awards Dinner and AGM on May 29th. It was a wonderful evening of colleagues coming together to congratulate and honour both Dr. Arthur Ameis and Dr. Dory Becker, our 2024 Awards Recipients. We hope to have some photos to share soon!
On behalf of the Medico-Legal Society of Toronto (MLST), I would like to extend my sincere congratulations to every newly elected and returning member of the Board of Directors.
I am delighted to start my service and term as MLST’s President for 2024-25. I am stepping into the very large shoes of Past Presidents that have come before me, and more recently Dr. David Corey. I am proud to be carrying the torch for this esteemed Society, which seeks to bridge the gap between the medical field and the legal field. The MLST has accomplished much over the past year, and I look forward to upholding the MLST traditions, but with a modern approach as MLST embarks on its 74th year. The MLST Council (Board) and I are looking forward to a year of continued collaboration between our medical and legal members, more outstanding programming, diversity and in-person gatherings.
We continue to strive to provide strong, viable educational programs for all of our medical and legal members, and we hope you will come out to some if not all. Starting with our Annual Dinner Program: A Pot Pourri of Medico-Legal Cases, on September 25, Expert Reports in Refugee and Immigration Cases, on October 9, and the Annual Expert Reports and Evidence Program on November 7.
We have an exciting year ahead and I hope that you continue to personally and professionally benefit from your membership with the MLST. The MLST exists because of its members and for the benefit of its members. We are always open to feedback and connecting with our membership.
Please feel free to reach out anytime at mlst@mlst.ca and one of our dedicated team members will get back to you as soon as possible.
Andrea R. Lim
MLST President (2024-2025)